Dinner at The Oaks Lakeside Kitchen

Dinner at The Oaks Lakeside Kitchen

The Oaks Lakeside Kitchen is opening their restaurant especially for our group and is curating a custom menu for the season! Come join us for a quick 6 minute drive down hwy 76 where we will park and enjoy a beautiful view of Lake Chatuge and a delicious meal by The Oaks team. Dinner starts at 6:30 so we will plan to depart from Brasstown at around 6:20, giving us a bit of time to take photos in the parking lot before making our way in for dinner.

  • Leader: Talia Pakkala
  • Day: Thursday
  • Pace: Casual, Dinner Drive
  • Staging Time: 6:00 pm
  • Departure Time: 6:15 pm
  • Distance: 3.5 miles, 6 minutes
  • Radio Channel: 17-2