Take the High Road

Take the High Road

Pace will be mostly moderate with a few moderate+ stretches where conditions permit. We'll head East on US-76 and GA-288 until we get to Clayton, then head north until we get to the Highlands Smokehouse BBQ where we will enjoy lunch. Once back on the road we will head south on the very twisty GA-28, aka Walhalla Road. After crossing into Georgia and South Carolina, we will take a hard left and head north on SC-107. North of Glenville we will head west on Pine Creek Road and US-64 , and then finally head South on NC-69 to get back to the resort. There will be a great mix of tight twisties, sweeping curves and open highway.

  • Leader: Gerry Blow
  • Day: Saturday
  • Pace: Moderate, Some cruising. Mostly curves
  • Staging Time: 9:15 am
  • Departure Time: 9:30 am
  • Distance: 173 miles, 6.5 hours
  • Lunch Location: Highlands Smokehouse BBQ
  • Radio Channel: 17-3