Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels is the only federally supported program designed specifically to meet the nutritional and social needs of seniors, yet this successful public-private partnership remains significantly underfunded.
Here is a link to the Meals on Wheels America site that has more information on the benefits of the program in general:
The Audi Club of Georgia has been supporting local chapters (based on our QDM Headquarters location) since 2014. With your gracious contributions over the past years, we have been able to raise over $ 10,000.
This year we are collecting donations for the White County Senior Center for their Meals on Wheels program. They currently serve over 100 clients and pride themselves on not putting anyone on a waiting list. They have a capacity for preparing 37,000 meals annually with the majority of those meals delivered personally to homes by the 60 volunteers. Below are some pictures of clients receiving their meals and also of the meal preparation.
May is Older Americans month, so help us honor those in the local Helen community with a generous donation. Your donations will be matched using some of the proceeds from the raffle sales.